Name: The Dawn Runners
Status: Bikers, mostly
Affiliation: Loosely affiliated with Snake Nation
Organization Type: Matriarchal, and slightly less tightly organized than other biker groups
Size: Clan, roughly 900 people
The Nomad Code
Protect and respect your clan, and above all, your family.
Your word is your bond.
Share with your clanfolk.
Respect the privacy and property of your clan.
Never cause trouble for your clan.
Take only a fair wage for a day's work.
The Dawn Runners were founded about twenty years ago by an African-American woman who calls herself Spark. She is still head
of the clan. The clan is about three-fourths women, and three-fourths of the clan claim African descent, however, the clan
is a little more then two-thirds African or African-American women.
Rulership and positions of authority are always held by women. For the most part, things are decided on a vote, and while
men have a vote, their voices have sometimes been set aside when Spark has decided that it would be best for the clan.
During an emergency, Spark makes the decisions. She has a small council of elders, made up of her closest friends, and the
women who have been with her since before the founding of the clan, and they help her with the decision making, and mostly
the enforcement of her decisions. (Firefly is on that council.)