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Joe/John's Crazy Cross-Over Game!

Sky [the gender-queer cross-dressing female explaining to the extremely antisocial Logan The Rules of dating women]: Why am I a better man than you?

Sky [explaining to Logan why he could have just given his wallet to the mugger, instead of beating the shit out of him and breaking several bones]: "I will not shoot or stab you if you give me your money," and they do? They totally broke the contract.

Logan: You could hide it. (I don't remember what we were hiding--drugs?)
Sky: I know I've got more hiding places than you.

Sky [to Logan about his obvious pent-up sexual aggression]: I'm just gonna put this out there: I think you need to get laid. (This was mostly funny because Logan HATES talking about anything personal, so Sky was pushing it with this ... )

Sky [unable to drop it]: Maybe I'm going too far here ... do you masturbate? I just sense a lot of energy from you. I see an image of you in the library, turning the pages really hard.

Sky [discussing Jason's lonely New Year's Eve, in the hospital where he works, and whether or not Jason kissed anyone, and whether or not the person Jason kissed was a guy in a coma]: Come on, we're not gonna judge you.
Jason: You're not gonna judge me.

Sky [discussing our sex lives, and specifically, has Jason had sex anywhere "fun" in the hospital]: It's like if you're a dentist; you're gonna do it in the chair.

Sky [to Jason]: We're your best friends.
Logan & Chloe [in unison]: We're your only friends.

Sky: So many indigenous cultures; so little time.

[Logan seems to be developing a taste for very rare meat]
Sky [who spent several years "going native" while studying some indigenous cultures]: Yeah, but I eat the still-beating heart of my defeated foe--it doesn't get any rarer than that.

Sky [noticed and picked out a Morse Code tapping in the background of a phone call with a friend]: My senses were honed by the jungle.

Sky: I certainly don't mean to disparage a perfectly good conspiracy theory here . . .

Jeremiah Stone [the creepy "scientist" guy who is trying to explain this conspiracy theory to us]: It's like falling down the rabbit hole.
Sky: And then Michael Duncan Clark let us into the rabbit hole.
(Our guide into the place was a big black guy, whom our Storyteller described as looking like MDC.)

[after it was discovered that Sky had been replaced by a "fetch" for a time, it was determined that Sky shouldn't be left alone; thus, since no one else was available, Chloe asked Logan to stay with Sky for a while when Chloe had to leave. Later, everyone got together at a bar, and Chloe was perplexed by Sky's silence, a departure from Sky's normal boisterous personality.]
Chloe: Did Logan, like, violate her, or something?

Joe, on his character Logan: He has a very big heart, he just doesn't show it to anyone, because it's in his chest.

[Chloe overheard a vampire bragging about Embracing a new Childe, at a supernatural mixer bar run by her new mentor, and put the pieces together, and then called her friend Jason, to ask him the very delicate question of whether or not that was him]
Jason: Yeah, that's me.
Chloe: I'm . . . so sorry.

[Discussing Jason's new Sire, Sky makes an observation that vampires are asses, or that all asses are vampires?]
Chloe: I don't think that's a prerequisite; besides, I'm pretty sure Logan has a pulse. He may not have a heart, but he has a pulse. (Because Logan is an ass.)

[After overhearing Jason's new Sire brag about Embracing his Childe, some werewolves come into the club, quietly discussing someone they had been following and hoping would join their pack. Suspicions primed by the Sire, and bolstered by Jeremiah Stone's assesment that Logan might have werewolf blood, Chloe starts texting Logan, asking how he is. He replies that he was bit by a strange dog, but is fine; why? So Chloe responds with a text that described Everything: overhearing the werewolves at the club, up to Jason being Embraced by a vampire.]
Jason: The people at the NSA are going, "What the fuck, man?"

Jason [explaining that he not only got Embraced as a vampire, but that he's a Morbus, and thus passes diseases on to the people he drinks from]: I have Hepatitus B . . . my Sire is a prick!
Sky: Had to be a prick if you got an STD!

Jason [envisioning The Talk Logan's getting from his new werewolf teachers]: You may be growing hair where you weren't before . . .

[At a goblin market, where Sky is getting information about being a changeling, Chloe and Jason are checking things out, and Jason gets approached by a withered old hag who offers him an apple that will cure all diseases. Even if this doesn't include vampirism, Jason, the doctor, would still like to not spread his Morbus-diseases. The old woman tells him the price is non-negotiable.]
Chloe [teasing him]: It's your SOUL. Or having sex with her.
Jason [in disgust and horror]: Ughh! Keep it! I'll have the Hepatitus!

Jason [describing his feelings about being inside the peaceful but warded Sanctum]: It's like I don't want to be here, but in a good way.

[Jason's Sire (the Sire-Fuck) shows up to drag Jason away from Chloe as they were about to Go Find Logan.]
Sire-Fuck: Let's go check out your house; I want to see how well you've done with light-proofing it.
Chloe [sarcastically]: I'm not really comfortable with you coming to my place this early in the relationship.
Sire-Fuck: Too bad--I pay, you put out.
Jason [to his Sire]: You're a pain in my ass.

This page is dedicated to Lisa's Quotes Page, without which this page would not exist.