Julia is my cousin Vivian's little sister. Viv was my best friend.
The three of us were walking from their house to our aunt Bridie's house for our cousin Gwen's birthday party, when three
Technocracy agents jumped out at us and we started fighting. They killed Viv.
Julia and I brought her body to Bridie's house, and there, while my mind was still very muddled, I decided I needed to protect
Julia. Blaize backed me up, leaving her calling card (a feeling of heat, and the smell of flames).
So I vowed to protect, and Julia accepted.
I never really had to do anything, until the day we learned Jishne was a clone. Then we decided to check to see if anyone
else had been cloned, and gather everyone into the Chantry. I checked Julia, and her body was only one year old, which meant
that she had been cloned a year ago, and I had never noticed.
So, we needed to find out if she was still alive (she probably was, so the Technocracy could make additional clones if needed),
and where she was, and how to rescue her.
Right after the battle with the fae, after Darcy's funeral, we got a Spirit guide from the werewolves so we could go through
the Wraith world, into the Middle Umbra, to the moon's Umbra, where a Technocracy base called Darkside was, and where they
were most likely to be keeping her.
We traveled a long time, through the Wraith lands, across a sea to an island with a stair leading up into the Middle Umbra,
and then on to the moon, where the Moon asked us questions as we tread through the Silver Lake. We failed to answer one of
the questions correctly, and had to make a bargain with Luna, the Moon, in order to reach Darkside. Her request was: rid
her face of the blemish. Destroy Darkside. We agreed gladly.
We got into the base, found Julia, and then found the self-destruct floor. The requirement for the self-destruct was that
a person with a chip in their hand hold their hand on a panel for ten seconds, after which the building would blow.
I wanted to take Julia home and heal her mind, but time was running short and no one else was volunteering for the job. People
were coming to kill my cabal and my cousin. I told them, go! And I placed my hand on the panel and held my breath.
I will give my life to save your life, I will value your next breath over my last breath. Should you die under my protection,
I will avenge your death with my last breath, my last drop of blood.
Oh, Julia! I don't even know if you're safe, if your mind was healed. I'm still under oath.