
Tannin | Background | Magick | Awakening

given name: Alanna Kildara
magickal name: Tannin
tradition: Verbena
mentor: Lady Shannon
cabal: The Watchmen
concept: Urban Primitive
avatar: Primordial
nature: Caretaker
demeanor: Bravo

born: 01-12-1978
height: 5' 10"
weight: 160 lbs.
hair: brown
eyes: brown
skin: fair
distinguishing marks: she has six earlobe piercings (three on each ear), and several in her cartilege. She has one in her right eyebrow for seeing clearly, for perception magicks, and for seeing danger. She has a septum piercing, which symbolizes confronting obstacles and "face value".
She also has several tattoos (to be filled in later)
appearance notes: Her hair is in dreadlocks. She dresses in comfortable clothes, clothes that will allow her to move fast, to defend herself, etc. She wears what looks like a red pearl on a necklace, a gift from her Mentor.

The Watchmen:

Tannin, Verbena

Chakra, Cult of Ecstacy

Dexter Niedelmeyer, Son of Ether

Ken Watanabe, Garou, Silent Strider

Magister, Son of Ether

Tania, Euthanatos

Please note: These pictures are approximate representations of Tannin.



Call me a bloody bitch, I am all that and more. But I can look in the mirror and say that I have lived. Can you, with your illusions of comfort, say the same?