coming soon ...
coming soon ...
Personal Quotes
Please, God, make me a stone.
River Tam, Serenity
I know. We're going for a ride.
River Tam, Serenity
Theme Song
coming soon ...
name: Mei Nuo-Li
aptitude: Clairsentient
specialty: Telesthesia
nature: Explorer
born: November 14, 2058
height: 5'4"
weight: 110 lbs
hair: reddish
skin: pale
eyes: blue-gray
appearance notes: Nuo-Li is short and slim, and wears her hair short. She usually dyes her hair a reddish color.
Nuo-Li is known to stare off into space, sometimes jerking suddenly as if she has been exposed to a bright light.

Other Psions
Lauryn Evans, Biokinetic
Aaron Eisenhorn, Psychokinetic
Dr. Tom Higgins, Vitakinetic
Chris Angel, Electrokinetic