

coming soon . . .
Rebel: You're the ultimate free-thinker. Whether you champion a cause or simply feel contrary, you choose your own path.
Others are welcome to join your march to a different drummer, but only if their beat matches yours. You defy authority in
principle and deed, even if you have similar views.
Personal Quotes
coming soon . . .
Theme Song
How old are you? I'm older than you'll ever be I've been dead a thousand years And lived only
two or three I don't mind telling you My life was ended by your hand The kind of murder where nobody dies But
I don't suppose you'd understand (Call off the search
We've found her)
If I am Lolita Then you are a criminal And you should be killed By an
army of little girls The law won't arrest you The world won't detest you You never did anything Any man wouldn't
do I'm Gothic Lolita And you are a criminal I'm not even legal I'm just a dead little girl But ruffles
and laces And candy sweet faces Directed your furtive hand I perfectly understand So it's my fault? No,
Gothic Lolita
Thank you, kind sirs You've made me what I am today A bundle of broken nerves A mouthful of
words I'm still afraid to say I don't mind telling you Now that I'm old enough to love I couldn't begin to
even if My pretty life depended on it And funny thing, it does (Call off the search
We've found her)
If I am Lolita Then you are a criminal And you should be killed By an
army of little girls The law won't arrest you The world won't detest you You never did anything Any man wouldn't
do I'm Gothic Lolita And you are a criminal I'm not even legal I'm just a dead little girl But ruffles
and laces And candy sweet faces Directed your furtive hand I perfectly understand So it's my fault? No,
Gothic Lolita
I am your sugar I am your cream I am your anti-American dream
I am your sugar I am your
cream I am your worst nightmare Now scream
If I am Lolita Then you are a criminal And you should be killed
By an army of little girls The law won't arrest you The world won't detest you You never did anything Any
man wouldn't do I'm Gothic Lolita And you are a criminal I'm not even legal I'm just a dead little girl But
ruffles and laces And candy sweet faces Directed your furtive hand I perfectly understand So it's my fault?
No, Gothic Lolita
Gothic Lolita, by Emilie Autumn





name: Kelly Douglass
aptitude: Telepath
specialty: Empathy
allegiance: Young Blood
nature: Rebel
born: July 7, 2257
height: 5'6"
weight: 115 lbs
hair: dark brown
skin: pale
eyes: green
appearance notes: Kelly is petite and dark, mostly wears black, sometimes with dark colors, and exaggerates
her coloring by dyeing her hair black and whitening her face with makeup.





Kelly's Friends
Stories & Bluebook Sessions
"Fuck You, Amy"
Bluebook #1
Bluebook #2

